Tag: script

Azure Automation Hybrid Workers with PowerShell Remoting and Credential Resources

This video is a follow-up to a previous one on Azure Automation with Arc-enabled Hybrid Workers.  Hybrid Workers extend runbooks to a private network,

Azure Automation Hybrid Worker with Azure Arc Enabled Servers

Azure Automation is not just for Azure!  We can extend it to an on-premises or multi-cloud environment with Hybrid Workers.  This video starts with

Use PowerShell to Create a Snapshot Based Image of an Azure Virtual Machine

This video goes of using the SnapImage.ps1 PowerShell script.  This script automates the process of creating an image from an Azure VM without destroying

Git and VS Code for the Lone Scripter

This is where my last two articles, Git for System Admin Scripting and Get Started with Git Remote, come together.  Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code

Writing to the Windows Event Log with PowerShell

Odds are,  you were Googling something like ‘write event log PowerShell’ and you stumbled on this page.  If that’s the case and you just
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