Tag: Networking

Windows HyperV

Create a Virtual Switch and Virtual Machine in Hyper-V

Once we have Windows Server and Hyper-V on new hardware, the next step is to create a virtual network and add a VM.  This

SFTP with Azure Storage is now Generally Availability

SSH File Transfer protocol (SFTP), sometimes called Secure FTP, provides the ability to transfer files between autonomous systems.  Azure Storage standard V2 and Premium

Azure Hub and Spoke Virtual Network (VNet) with a VPN Gateway

In this video, we create a hub and spoke network in Azure by peering our spoke VNet’s to a centralized, Hub Virtual Network.  Then

Proximity Placement Groups and Accelerated Networking

In this video I go over the benefits of using Azure Proximity Placement Groups and Accelerated networking with Azure IaaS VM’s.  I start by
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