Tag: network

Save Money with an Azure Savings Plan for Compute

Microsoft provide a few options to save money in Azure.  Reserved Instances, Hybrid Benefits, Spot Instances and now Azure Savings Plan for Compute.  This

Azure Hub and Spoke Virtual Network (VNet) with a VPN Gateway

In this video, we create a hub and spoke network in Azure by peering our spoke VNet’s to a centralized, Hub Virtual Network.  Then

Azure NAT Gateway

Azure Virtual Machines have access to the internet by default.  We can control the public IP address used for internet access with private IP’s,

SMB Multichannel with Azure File Shares

Azure File Shares Premium support SMB multichannel, a way to improve throughput for applications and services.  This video goes over what it is and

Azure Point-to-Site VPN with Azure AD Authentication and MFA

This video goes over how to deploy an Azure VNet Gateway on an existing VNet and enable Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN connections using Azure AD

Azure Point-to-Site VPN with Certificate Based Authentication

This video goes over how to deploy an Azure VNet Gateway on an existing VNet and enable Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN connections.  A P2S connection

Proximity Placement Groups and Accelerated Networking

In this video I go over the benefits of using Azure Proximity Placement Groups and Accelerated networking with Azure IaaS VM’s.  I start by
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