Tag: Host Pool

Don’t Let Antivirus Impact FSLogix Performance

FSLogix is the go-to solution for managing profiles in AVD and many other VDI environments.  Configuring FSLogix is relatively simple, but there is one
AVD Insights

How to Review and Search AVD Insights Data

You deployed AVD Insights and are collecting data, now what?  This video is a guide to reviewing and searching the AVD insights workbooks available
AVD Insights

Migrate AVD Insights to the New Azure Monitor Agent

The legacy Microsoft Monitor Agent (MMA) for Log Analytics retires in August of 2024.  Many have already deployed the MMA agent to collect data
AVD Insights

Getting Started With AVD Insights and the Azure Monitor Agent

Monitoring is important for any infrastructure, including AVD.  Microsoft provides a tool for managing AVD called AVD Insights.  This tool uses Log Analytics to

What is RDP Shortpath for AVD Public Networks and How to Use It

This is a follow up to my previous video on RDP Shortpath for Private networks.  A low Round Trip Time (RTT) is required for

What is RDP Shortpath for AVD Managed Networks and How to Use It

A low Round Trip Time (RTT) is required for a good user experience in Azure Virtual Desktop.  With RDP Shortpath for AVD Managed Networks,

Autoscale with Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Scaling Plans

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) now has an integrated session host scaling solution built into the portal.  This video goes over how to configure the

Shut Down Unused Session Hosts in a Windows Virtual Desktop Pooled or Personal Host Pool

(UPDATED 6/17/2021 with code for multiple pooled and personal host pools) Azure Virtual Desktop (previously Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)) has a new option in
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