Tag: VSCode

Image Builder PowerShell

Install Applications in Azure Image Builder with PowerShell!

Azure Image Builder provides a way to create images for Azure VM’s in an automated pipeline.  It’s even easier with the new portal integration. 
Image Builder

New! Azure Image Builder Portal Integration

Azure Image Builder is a flexible tool used to create custom Windows and Linux images in Azure.  It uses HashiCorp Packer in the backend

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Specs

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Specs are a first-party solution for storing and managing ARM Templates.  With Template Specs, ARM templates are uploaded to

Override File in Terraform and Azure

I try to find a useful example that demonstrates functionality when I create these posts and videos.  Unfortunately, with Override files in Terraform, that

Dynamic Blocks in Terraform with Azure

Resources in Terraform are deployed as top-level resources.  A server or App Service plan for example.  These top-level resources include inline, or sub-resources; blocks

Remote Backend State with Terraform and Azure Storage

Until now, we have developed our Infrastructure code as a single developer. As a result, our state file is created and maintained on the

Use Existing Resources with Data Sources in Terraform and Azure

Use Terraform long enough, and eventually, we’ll need to use an existing resource not managed by Terraform as part of the deployment.  A typical

Use For_Each in a Terraform Module with Azure VNets and Bastion Host

You have laded on another post and video in a series on Terraform and Azure.  This post and accompanying video looks at a more
September 2024
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