Category: AZ-900


Can a PIN be safer than a Password?

Introduction In today’s digital landscape, where remote workers are the norm, ensuring the security of our computer systems is paramount. This blog post will

How to Create a Static Website in Azure Storage

Azure Storage offers a lot of features, Blob storage, Azure File Shares, message Queues, and Table storage just to name a few.  We can

Cut Cost, Improve Security, Reliability, and Performance with Azure Advisor

This is a quick but important one.  If you are new to Azure or simply looking for ways to manage cost, improve security, reliability,

10 Things You Need to Know About Azure Availability Zones

Do you know all there is to know about Azure Availability Zones?  In this video, we go over 10 things to know about Availability

Avoid these Mistakes with Azure Availability Zones and Availability Sets!

In this video we review Availability Sets including fault domains and update domains.  Then we look at Availability Zones.  After that we review Azure
az-900 Azure Fundamentals

AZ-900 Describe Cloud Service Types, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

The following video is for those preparing for the AZ-900, Azure Fundamentals Microsoft Certification.  This video covers the skills “describe cloud service types” found
az-900 Azure Fundamentals

AZ-900 Benefits of Cloud Services Part 2 Security, Governance, and Management in the Cloud

The following video is for those preparing for the AZ-900, Azure Fundamentals Microsoft Certification.  This video covers the skills “describe the benefits of using
az-900 Azure Fundamentals

AZ-900 Benefits of Cloud Services Part 1 High Availability, Scalability, Reliability, Predictability

The following video is for those preparing for the AZ-900, Azure Fundamentals Microsoft Certification.  This video covers the skills “describe the benefits of using
July 2024
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